System Administrator

Full-time | 14 Months | Remote

Manage servers, networks and cloud systems


Error 404? Not on your watch! In 14 months, you will learn everything you need to overcome technical hurdles with ease and become the superhero of your company, protecting it against all dangers with your cybersecurity skills.


With a Bildungsgutschein (education voucher) from the Arbeitsagentur or Jobcenter, the course is completely free of charge!

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Course Details & Requirements

01 | Start Date
16.09.2024 (German)
Girl with laptop sitting
02 | Cost
Free participation with Bildungsgutschein
(education voucher)
03 | Requirements
Basic computer skills
Girl with laptop sitting
04 | Duration
12 months +
2 months internship
05 | Location
Everywhere in Germany – courses are online
06 | Language
German – minimum level B2
Apply Now

Here’s what awaits you

If your loved ones rely on you when it comes to questions about technology, you enjoy working with people and are naturally curious, the System Administrator course, or Sys Admin for short, is perfect for you! Here, you will enhance your technical expertise through interactive sessions and challenging exercises, while diving into exciting IT topics like cybersecurity, server management, and cloud computing with our experienced instructors. Of course, you will also get plenty of practical experience: during a 2-month internship, you can put your newly acquired knowledge to the test. Additionally, we will prepare you for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification, for which you can take the exam free of charge – this way, you will quickly pick up the skills that companies are eagerly looking for!

Hands-on curriculum

In collaboration with industry professionals, we have developed a diverse curriculum that prepares you for many different opportunities in tech companies and IT departments, covering everything from server management to cybersecurity. After this course, nothing can stop you from launching your new career as a System Administrator!

01 | Introduction to IT

Familiarise yourself with different areas of IT, get to know the daily business of system administration and become an expert in computer infrastructure, hardware and software.

02 | Cybersecurity Basics

Start your cybersecurity journey and learn the basics of IT safety by getting to know typical fraud practices and how you can protect your company against them.

03 | Network Fundamentals

Acquire knowledge of network topologies and the basics of security, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and encryption.

01 | Operating Systems

Work with operating systems such as Linux and Windows Server and learn how to install, configure and maintain them correctly.

02 | File Systems

Get to know practical strategies for organising files efficiently, storing them securely and recovering them quickly if necessary.

03 | User Management

Learn how to create user accounts and discover how to control authorisations and access management.

01 | Firewall Configuration

Learn how to use firewalls to effectively prevent unauthorised access and protect your network from security risks.

02 | Encryption

Get to know the targeted use of encryption technologies for secure data transmission and storage and familiarise yourself with the GDPR and its implementation.

03 | Security Guidelines

Acquire the necessary skills to create and implement security policies in organisations and create a contingency plan to protect your future business.

01 | Web Server

Gain skills in the installation and configuration of web servers such as Apache and Nginx.

02 | Database Server

Find out how to set up and manage database servers, especially focusing on MySQL and PostgreSQL.

03 | E-Mail Server

Learn the basics of configuring popular email servers such as Postfix or Microsoft Exchange.

01 | Virtualisation Technologies

Learn the basics of virtualisation technologies, in particular VMware, Hyper-V and KVM.

02 | Virtual Machines

Gain initial knowledge of creating, configuring and managing virtual machines.

01 | Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Learn the basics of cloud computing with an introduction to AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

02 | Migration

Gain skills in moving local services to the cloud (migration). Afterwards, you will be well-equipped to support your company in the effective use of cloud infrastructure.

03 | Safety Features

Acquire skills to identify and resolve security threats in the cloud environment.

04 | Microsoft Azure Administrator

Prepare for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam.

Career & Benefits

To help you jumpstart your career, we don’t just teach you how to become a System Admin. We offer you a full-service experience that includes educational guidance, professional coaching, tutoring, and free tools.


Career Services

Our wonderful career success team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth transition into the professional world. Whether you need help with applications or job searches, we’ve got you covered. 

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We encourage our participants to learn from each other and provide mutual support. If you’re up for it, we offer you the opportunity to become a paid tutor for your fellow students and help them with their learning.

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Mentoring & Coaching

Our counsellors are always there to help you overcome obstacles if you ever feel demotivated or need advice and encouragement throughout your journey.

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Online Tools & Hardware

With DCI, you get access to tools and services needed for learning – for free! This includes a laptop, along with all the software used in the courses.

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Financial support


If you are unemployed and registered at the Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter, all courses can be 100% financed with a Bildungsgutschein (education voucher).



2 people working together on a computer.

DCI Alumni at Work

I used to work in Gastronomy and as a Taxi driver so it was very exciting for me to learn everything from scratch to become a full-stack developer. The DCI has completely changed my life in a very good and bright way.

Sandeep K. | Web Developer at bokonet GmbH

The course gave us more than the exam requires, and much more than just the basics. It was a great foundation for the next certifications and a career in AWS Cloud Computing.

Nikita Kumar AWS DevOps Professional

My childhood dream of becoming a Developer was fulfilled by doing a course at DCI. Today I am backend developer at Blinkist and I couldn’t be happier.

Jose Backend Developer at Blinkist


The Sys Admin course prepares you for a variety of in-demand jobs in the IT industry.
Here are a few examples: 

  • System Administrator: Responsible for the installation, configuration, maintenance and security of IT systems and networks.
  • Cybersecurity Expert: Protects organisations from cyber threats by identifying security vulnerabilities and implementing preventative measures.
  • Cloud Administrator: Manages cloud infrastructures, including deploying, configuring and securing cloud services.
  • Technical Support: Provides technical assistance and solutions for IT problems and questions from users or team members.

System administration is about ensuring that all processes run smoothly. Specialists take care of regular updates, maintenance and backups to prevent data loss.

They also plan measures for potential emergencies such as hacker attacks or malware, identify critical systems and create recovery plans.

System Administrators also support team members or users with all questions relating to accounts and access, and implement comprehensive security measures for networks, systems, data and applications.

The salary in the field of system administration can vary depending on your experience, qualifications, company size, location and other factors. In general, it can be said that System Administrators in Germany earn a competitive income, with the average salary being between €40,000 and €48,000.

Yes, learning the ins and outs of system administration is worthwhile for several reasons:

  • An easy start to your new career: As a newly qualified System Administrator, you will quickly find your first job, as IT experts are needed everywhere.
  • Stepping stone for other jobs in IT: System administration comes with a skill set that can easily serve as the foundation for a variety of IT jobs. This makes it easy to branch out into different areas.
  • Secure workplace: In an increasingly digitised world, well-trained System Administrators are in demand everywhere to keep IT infrastructures running. This makes the job comparatively “future-proof”.
  • Flexibility thanks to remote work: In system administration, you often have the opportunity to work remotely, which creates a flexible working environment and improves your work-life balance.

No prior experience is required to join our course. If you speak German (minimum level B2) and have an interest in starting a career in the digital industry, you are more than welcome to attend. Our goal is to help career changers, regardless of experience, background, age or gender!

You can take part in our course for free with a Bildungsgutschein (education voucher) from the Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter. They cover all costs while you kickstart your career.

Not sure if you qualify for the voucher? Our experts from career counselling are here to help and will assist you with the process free of charge.

All of our courses, including Sys Admin, are certified according to AZAV standards (Accreditation and Registration Ordinance for Employment Promotion). This certification is a quality seal for educational institutions, confirming that the quality standards for vocational training and employment support are met.

Ready to launch your future-proof career?

Enrol in our certified System Administrator course today!